Reports & Researches

(Witness) Demands the Office of the Special Representative on SVC and the Office of the Secretary-General to withdraw the mission report accusing Palestinian national liberation movements of committing sexual violence

Following an official visit to Israel that extended from January 29 to February 14, the Office of the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict issued a report accusing elements in the Palestinian national liberation movements of committing acts of sexual violence on October 7th.

Based on a thorough analysis of the report, the Palestinian Association for Human Rights (Witness) communicated with the Office of the Special Representative, Ms. Pramila Patten, and the Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, requesting clarifications for uncertainties and oversights in the conclusions and assumptions presented in the report which raises significant concerns and necessitates immediate clarifications to ensure compliance with international standards.

The 23-page report significantly relies on official Israeli sources as established facts, which warrants significant consideration as a substantial threat to the reliability of the information provided, particularly since Israel is a party to the ongoing conflict and possesses a vested interest in influencing the report's outcomes. The dubious conduct exhibited by the Israeli government in terms of cooperation, particularly given the time-sensitive nature of establishing accurate and verified information, gives rise to concerns regarding potential tampering with facts and undue pressure on witnesses, potentially arranged by the governing authorities.

The mission initially engaged with 33 high-level political figures at the onset, which is equivalent to the number of interviews with relevant parties conducted during the mission including the President of Israel, the First Lady, the Israeli Defense Forces, and the Israeli Security Agency (Shin Bet).

The thorough review submitted by (Witness) highlighted the inconsistencies with established standards and proof methods that have led to unclear and inconsistent determinations on the alleged accusations.

This examination delves into the credibility of sourced information, the vagueness of the methodology employed, the report's focus on the conflict, its apparent one-sided perspective, indications of politicization, the process of reaching determinations, and concludes with recommendations.

In light of the above, the Palestinian Association for Human Rights (Witness) urged the United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict to provide an explanation for the omissions and methodological errors contained in the report.

Considering the significant errors, the Palestinian Association for Human Rights (Witness) requested the Office to withdraw the report as it violates international standards and undermines the neutrality and credibility of the special representative's role.


The Palestinian Association for Human Rights (Witness)

Beirut, 3/22/2024